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Greenest Transferium in the Netherlands Officially Opened

- Netherlands
Greenest Transferium in the Netherlands Officially Opened

The greenest tranferium of the Netherlands has been officially been opened on 22 April. Go and have a look at the Deutersestraat, because in a little while it will be out of site for the most part. The transferium will then be covered in plants. Cousillor Jan Hoskam, delegate Anne-Marie Spierings and Sander Dekker, director Ballast Nedam, opened this energy generating transferium.


The 1,500 high performance solar panels, on the roof, generate twice the energy needed for the parking. The energy will be used to charge electric cars and e-bikes and in the future also the transferium busses. The extra energy is stored in a battery. A technique that hasn’t been used in this way.

Green and more green

In a few years the façade of the transferium will be absorbed into its surroundings. The façade will be completely overgrown. Some of the plants capture particulate matter, others attract insects and birds. The surroundings will also become more vegetated, through a wide variety of trees and bushes, such as fruit trees. More trees have been planted than removed.

Short steps

Develop the most attractive and greenest transferium in the Netherlands, causing as little disruption as possible,” is what the municipality of ’s-Hertogenbosch asked us. And we succeeded.

The transferium is located almost directly on the ring road around ‘s Hertogenbosch. This is an important traffic artery on which congestion was not an option. Ambulances and visitors constantly come and go and the hospital needed to be accessible at all times during the building activities. In order to enable this, we bundled several fields of expertise together, such as our experience of parking solutions and chain cooperation. We worked efficiently and in short steps, according to the lean principle, so as to minimise any nuisance.

Follow our lead

The goal is not to stay ‘the greenest transferium’. We want to inspire others. It can be done and we are happy to share our expertise. So come and have a look!

About Ballast Nedam Parking

Ballast Nedam Parking is a fully owned operating company of the Dutch Civil Engineering and Ballast Nedam ParkingGeneral Building Contractor Ballast Nedam N.V., a renowned Dutch listed company, offering an extensive package of construction-related products and services. The company, established in 1877, ranks among the top-five Dutch construction groups. Ballast Nedam aims to set itself apart by undertaking high-profile construction projects, based on a high degree of knowledge and expertise. At all levels in the organization, commitment, quality, expertise, reliability and flexibility vis-a-vis the client are the key.


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