Conventional parking could soon be a thing of the past. There are just too many advantages to an automatic parking system! The population is growing, and cities are running out of space. This is where the automatic parking system comes in. It doesn’t only save space, but also time and money. This is what we’ve been waiting for.
Frido Stutz, engineer and experienced pilot, recognized the problems that come along with conventional parking and developed an Automated Parking System (APS) with a revolutionary technology. Frido Stutz founded Skyline Parking AG. Skyline has caused a sensation worldwide and won many awards and prizes for innovation. This evening, 21/3/2013, Frido Stutz will talk about how people will park in the nearby future and about the future of Skyline Parking. To learn from this entrepreneur and to join the discussion, join the presentation at 18:30 in the Technopark Winterthur.
So there is conventional parking and automated parking. Let’s place these two together and list some of the pros of automatic parking systems.
Let’s start with the most annoying thing about parking: The search for a parking space. Sometimes you have to drive around for ages! That’s why good parking guidance system and digital signage are very helpful. But don’t you ever have to wait for ages before you can drive further in the parking lot because some guy is waiting for one car to exit so he can park his car on that free space? The guy that doesn’t want to drive any further because he’s scared he won’t find another parking space? The guy that let’s everybody wait?? Yes, that guy pisses me off.
At an automatic parking garage, you don’t have to wait. Automatic parking systems are also very space efficient. You can simply stack all the cars plus the parking space doesn’t have to be as wide as in a conventional parking lot. You can stack more cars in a compact space, because the cars are parked by robots. The robotic system doesn't need as much space to park as a human does.
A parking facility with an automated parking system is also a lot cheaper to build and maintain. Okay, you have to purchase the equipment for the system, but think about all the money-saving advantages:
- You don't have to provide an expensive ventilation system inside the facility. Cars that are getting parked aren’t running and there isn’t any staff inside. Here you can save a lot of energy
- That’s right: you don’t need to employ staff! At least not that much. There are no people inside the parking facility.
- Because there aren’t any people inside, no one can litter, right? No one can make a mess and therefor you need no one to clean up the mess. People will also never get into a fight in your parking garage. No cars will drive into each other, or into the walls.
You do need to clean the equipment every once in a while of course, plus at least one to four times a year someone needs to check the equipment to see if it all still works properly. The number of times for a service check depends on the equipment that is used.
Do you ever feel a bit scared when you are all alone in a parking garage, especially at night? All the scary shadows surrounding you, the only thing you hear is the echo of your own footsteps on the concrete and every car you pass could be a great hiding place for some kind of attacker. No, I sure don’t like being in a parking lot alone at night!
At an APS, you can wait in a comfortable, well lit space while your car is being picked up. And in the future, probably soon, you can even send a text message when you’re about to leave and the car will already be waiting for you. Hooray for no more waiting!