Nedap AVI wins the MIPS Best Innovation Product award

During the MIPS in Moscow Nedap AVIs uPASS Reach is awarded as the best innovative product. The contest of technical solutions "The Best Innovation Product" is held annually within Moscow International Exhibition "Protection, Security and Fire Safety MIPS". Nedap AVI won the award in the category Access Control and Visitor Management systems.
Assesement criteria
The purpose of the Best Innovation Product contest is to demonstrate and promote the newest achievements in safety industry. The assessment criteria for winning are uniqueness and novelty of the concept, place and status of production, product quality and the filling of free niches in the Russian market. The expert commission was composed by representatives of several Russian Ministries and professional associations which had great scientific and practical experience in development, implementation and certification of security solutions. In total they reviewed 40 applications from 37 companies.uPASS Reach
The uPASS Reach complements Nedap AVIs existing family of long range readers. For those seeking better value than currently offered by standard long-range proximity card solutions, the uPASS Reach offers just that type of enhanced performance. Using the latest in UHF technology, the uPASS Reach Reader guarantees long range vehicle identification up to 4 meters (12ft). Based on the use of battery free, passive UHF transponders, the reader output allows the access control or parking system to open the gate when authorized without the need for card readers or PIN pads.The uPASS system is a cost-effective and convenient solution for parking access installations such as car parks, gated communities, employee parking access and many more applications. A fully integrated vehicle and building access solution can be realized using the new Nedap UHF hybrid cards. The cards support UHF combined with card technologies used for access control and time and attendance installations, such as HID, EM, Mifare and Legic.
Russian Market
In behalf of AAM Systems, Nedap AVIs Russian businesspartner, Alexey Gintse proudly received this prestigous innovation award: We are inspired by such reward of authoritative experts of contest. We are proud to be able convincingly to prove high innovative qualities of uPass Reach. We are sure that such award will help us to promote more successfully solutions and the equipment of Nedap AVI in the Russian market..jpg)
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