Smart Way to Park concept selected finalist of Accenture Innovation Awards

The "Smart Way to Park concept" from Vialis and Nedap has been selected by the expert jury of the Accenture Innovation Awards to proceed to the next round of this prestigious innovation prize.
Finding available parking spaces within cities causes an increasing amount of frustration and stress among many visitors, local residents and retailers. Although the majority of parking spaces can be found on-street, there is hardly any data available that provides information about the actual occupation of these parking spaces. As for us, this will change as soon as possible.
Vialis and Nedap have teamed-up to develop a concept that effectively guides visitors towards available parking spaces. Not just in car parks, but now also on street levels within neighborhoods. This so called “Smart Way to Park” improves the flow of traffic, minimizes the amount of search traffic, increases the occupancy of existing parking spaces and decreases CO2 emissions.
Accenture Innovation Awards
The Innovation Awards have been created by Accenture with the goal to provide companies who have proven to be exceptionally innovate with the recognition they deserve. In addition, the event analyses the current state of innovation within the Netherlands. For the Jury Awards – the Blue Tulip and the Green Tulip –, all participating concepts will be evaluated by an independent, professional jury on the basis of the concept’s innovative nature, potential and success. In order to win the People’s Choice Award, the “Smart Way to Park” concept needs to obtain as many “social votes” from the general public as possible.
Submit your “social votes” (e-mail, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook) through this link.
About Vialis 
Vialis supplies cities with solutions for of dynamic traffic management. A large number of municipalities in the Netherlands use Vivaldi to optimizing traffic flow. The system is connected to a variety of traffic-related technologies, such as traffic control systems and signage systems.
About Nedap
Nedap is the developer and manufacturer of the SENSIT platform, a network of wireless parking sensors which detect vehicle occupancy at every single parking space. The system collects parking data and shares that information with third party parking guidance, enforcement and intelligent traffic management systems. Nedap currently works with partners and cities worldwide to implement the SENSIT system.
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