Parking can often seem difficult and frequently it can be tricky to understand where you can and where you cannot park. So make sure you know where it is allowed to park.
Can you ever park on double yellow lines, a bus stop or outside somebody’s house?
Here’s what you need to know…
When can you park on double yellow lines?
Normally, you are not permitted to park or wait on yellow lines during the times of operation shown – it is indicated by time plates or zone entry signs.
In some situations you are able to stop on double yellow lines, for instance, to unload the car. However, you should always check if there are any restrictions. Usually, stopping for a second only to drop off or to pick up passengers is alright, as long as roads, junctions or traffic are not being blocked.
In case of the disability, Blue Badge permits you to park on double yellow lines for as long as three hours.
When can you park in a bus stop?
Parking or even stopping on a restricted bus stop is most probably will cause you a penalty charge. Rule 243 of The Highway Code announces: “Do not stop of park at or near a bus or tram stop or taxi rank”.
When can you park outside someone’s house?
It is alright to park outside someone’s house as long as the space is not private, or does not block the driveway. However, anyone can park there if street is governed by residents’ parking permits and not create any obstacles. Never park on the pavement, it could cost you a £70 fine.
When can you park on zig-zag lines?
Do not park on zig-zags. Both white and yellow zig-zag signs show that parking is forbidden and otherwise can bring you not only a fine but penalty points as well.
White zig-zag markings are enforced 24/7. While yellow ones need a sign to be officially enforceable. Yellow zig-zags are normally found outside police and ambulance stations, schools and hospitals.
How you can challenge an unfair parking ticket?
You can always fight if you think you have been charged mistakenly. Unfortunately, your fine could increase if the appeal is unsuccessful. If you have been fined by the council or police it is highly recommended to pay unless you are certain about your innocence.
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