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Thank You for Your Registration for the MPS Webinar

Thank you for registering to our upcoming webinar - MPS: a Safety Solution that Changes Illegal Parking Behavior

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If you would like to read more about MPS you can find additional information here.

If you'd like to already connect with the panelist, please feel free to reach out to Robert Matthews via email or LinkedIn.


Robert Matthews

Robert Matthews, MBA is the Vice President of Sales and Business Development for Municipal Parking Services and a parking and municipal consulting professional. Rob is also an active member of the International Parking and Mobility, Institute (IPMI) Smart Cities Connect, the New England Parking Council (NEPC) and the Massachusetts Technolgy Leadership Council.


Rob Sliker – Wilkes-Barre Parking Enforcement Department Lead

Rob Sliker from The Parking Enforcement Department of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania will also be on to talk about his city’s parking issues and how SafetyStick has made an impact.


Would you like to refer back to the information on the webinar? Please find the webinar page here.