WPS Parking Systems and Rabobank Group, one of the largest financial service providers in the Netherlands, have found an innovative way to inform visitors and employees of Rabobank Groups Head Office in Utrecht, the Netherlands, about the number of available parking spaces at the office car park. Using SMS communication visitors and employees are informed and advised in advance about the number of available parking spaces.
With an office located in the historical city centre of Utrecht, parking at the office car park can be a problem for both visitors and employees. Only a limited number of parking spaces are available at the office car park or in the surrounding neighborhood. As a result visitors and employees can find themselves looking for a parking space without success. With the integrated WPS solution, Rabobank can inform registered visitors and employees in advance about the number of available parking spaces.
"WPS parking management solutions always count the number of occupied and available parking spaces at a car park. That parking functionality is standard to all our solutions", explains Andy van Doorn, Sales Representative for WPS Nederland. "Interfacing the WPS parking management solutions database with an external information system allows Rabobank to use the available information. Informing visitors and employees is done via the information system, not via the parking management solution."
"WPS parking management solutions always count the number of occupied and available parking spaces at a car park. That parking functionality is standard to all our solutions", explains Andy van Doorn, Sales Representative for WPS Nederland. "Interfacing the WPS parking management solutions database with an external information system allows Rabobank to use the available information. Informing visitors and employees is done via the information system, not via the parking management solution."

Every morning registered visitors and employees of Rabobank Groups Head Office in Utrecht receive a text message that informs them about the number of available parking spaces for that day. Based on this information they can decide whether or not they will use the office car park or if they will use one of the many Park & Ride facilities around Utrecht. As the Rabobank office is located near to the main train and bus station visitors and employees can use public transport from the Park & Ride facilities to the Rabobank office.
"The complete solution is based on an interface between the WPS parking management solution and the Rabobank external information system. No additional developments where needed to the parking management solution", continues Andy. "With minimal effort on both sides, WPS and Rabobank have developed a solution that allows Rabobank to offer its visitors and customers an additional service."
Rabobank is pleased with the results of this first project and has already started discussion with WPS to implement the SMS solution at several other branches of the bank throughout the Netherlands.
"The complete solution is based on an interface between the WPS parking management solution and the Rabobank external information system. No additional developments where needed to the parking management solution", continues Andy. "With minimal effort on both sides, WPS and Rabobank have developed a solution that allows Rabobank to offer its visitors and customers an additional service."
Rabobank is pleased with the results of this first project and has already started discussion with WPS to implement the SMS solution at several other branches of the bank throughout the Netherlands.
About WPS Parking Systems
WPS Parking Systems, a member of the Imtech group, was founded in 1985 and was the first supplier of automated parking systems to use barcode technology.WPS has grown to be a company of more than 200 employees worldwide with its head quarters and production plant located in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Several local sales offices look after local markets along with worldwide spread WPS distributors.
A continuing focus on end-to-end solutions means customers enjoy tailor-made results to every unique challenge presented.
For more than 25 years WPS has pioneered parking solutions that become industry standards.
For more information please contact
Pascal Appel+31 40 25091 62