We are involved in traffic and parking electronics products and software. To offer always the most advance technology, we are mainly working on our own products. Schick electronic sa, is represented and involve directly all over the world.
revolutionary management concept for modern car parks The key principles of the SIGNAL-PARK concept, when applied to a busy car park, are simple - but revolutionary. Because, at last, individual places can be constantly (and cheaply) monitored, it becomes possible to market guaranteed and pre-allocated places to the consuming public in real time: for cash or as an incentive. The computer-controlled, SIGNAL-PARK management system alters, instantaneously, specially positioned illuminated signs and indicators, in accordance with changing occupancy: giving instant guidance - visible at a distance of 100 yards. As a consequence, SIGNAL-PARK can truthfully say: "60 seconds to park your car in a guaranteed place - even if it is the very last one." No more circling to find there are no places. No empty places, either, and more places from better dynamics. The remarkably wide ranges of consumer and operator benefits, which flow from the simple principles described above, are listed in the attachments to this summary. Together they ensure a self-liquidating investment, with actual or notional payback usually at the end of the first operation year. The stand-alone SIGNAL-PARK system, with no moving parts or maintenance requirements, can thereafter earn the equivalent of its gross cost during each subsequent of operation.BENEFITS FOR THE CAR PARK OPERATOR

- SIGNAL-PARK is a profitable investment, which can earn back its cost in a single year because it guarantees:
- More car park places from the previously existing area.
- Far quicker turnaround of vehicles.
- Clear and simple management - and control.
- Less supervision time.
- No resetting of zone and floor counting "numbers.
- No moving parts - in a "stand-alone" installation.
- Complete and immediate daily-to-annual statistics.
- Not affected by passengers or baggage trolleys.
- Cleaner floors + cleaner air = lower costs.
- Self-detection of system / equipment faults
- Easy addition of fire and other detectors.
- Easy and economical control of lighting.
- Special, individual, car security systems.
- Far greater comfort and convenience for users.
- A solid answer to pollution criticisms.


Instant guidance, by the shortest route, to the very last available car park place,This is GUARANTEED.
- A confident assurance of last, trouble-free, parking.
- Easy-to-see signs and lights - visible from 100 yards.
- No searching from side to side for hidden places.
- 100 % accurate in real time - unlike any other system.
- Gains precious minutes - especially in airports.
- Removes stress and emotion.
- Saves fuel and tyres.
- No wear and tear (on cars or drivers) from impatient manoeuvring.
- Absolute comfort and convenience.
- Far less risk of damage to vehicles - a promise of peace of mind for the anxious motorist.
The first system which:
Detects, counts and indicates the vacant places.
The first system which:
Detects, counts and indicates the vacant places.