Parking Network
  • Happy Holidays
  • Office Closed 23 December - 6 January
  • Happy New Year
  • Happy Holidays
  • Parking Network Team will be on a break from 23 December 2024 to 6 January 2025

An Industry First-Unified Parking Management

The parking industry is evolving from separate parking management, enforcement (on-street) and Access/Revenue Control (off-street) operations to managing all within the same department. This creates the need for a unified system a single solution that brings together, or unifies, different aspects of the parking business that until now have been managed by separate systems and multiple vendors.

A unified system

image002.jpgT2 Systems is the first in the industry to offer one complete solution for parking management, enforcement, permits, as well as access and revenue control. This single system coordinates all aspects of the parking office, providing centralized control, management, reporting, and operation of all sub-systems from one portal.

A Single Solution for Managing Parking

image004.jpgT2 Flex is the first to aggregate permit management, enforcement, access control and revenue control into a single, truly unified system and T2 will continue to incorporate additional parking management features into this unified platform.

From this single system, you can essentially build your own solution by choosing from the suite of packs/functionality available. You can purchase packs separately, based on your parking needs, and add more functionality as needed, or purchase all packs for the complete T2 Flex enterprise solution.

T2 Flex Enterprise enables you to:
- Manage all financial transactions including permit sales, transient parker payment and citation payment.
- Generate reports reflecting your entire parking operation.
- Manage permits, access cards, RFID cards, etc.
- Manage individuals and groups that park.
- Manage scofflaws including boot/tow processes and restrict access for offenders.
- Integrate central cashier station and automated pay station with other parking office services.
- Use various credential readers bar code, magnetic stripe and RFID.
- Create and track validation and special event tickets.
- Manage spaces to optimize capacity utilization.
- Administer appeals, hearings and dockets.
- Bring in data from other systems for analysis and reporting.
- Easily collect on outstanding or past-due citation payments.

Additional solutions that can be incorporated into T2 Flex include:
- e-Business Solutions that allow your parkers to purchase a permit, pay a citation, make an appeal and do business with you on-line.
- PermitDirect permit fulfillment service which ships permits directly to a parkers home, eliminating long lines in your office.
- Handheld ticketwriters with real-time or batch communication.
- Event parking solution that takes credit card or cash payments and issues event permits in locations with no revenue control equipment improving parker experience and your audit trail.
- Registered owner lookups.

An intelligent, intuitive system

T2 Flex is an easy-to-use, browser-based system that makes parking management easier and more efficient:
- Searching for records is quick and easy, thanks to standard and customizable search fields.
- Content managers organize pertinent information and provide details with the click of your mouse.
- User-defined field names allow you to adjust certain terms to match your department's language.
- Wizards guide and check data entry, which reduces duplicate data and errors.
- You can work securely from any PC with Internet access.

Think smart by thinking "thin"

image001.jpgT2 Flex is a thin client application, which means that all data and software reside on secure servers in one location, while each client (PC) accesses the functionality and the data via the Web browser. The server can be at your location or at a secure co-location facility when T2 hosts your application and database.

Now you can give officers the information they need, when they need it. As part of the T2 Flex Solution, T2 offers a variety of hardware. Several models of handheld ticketwriters are available, each offering functions that are designed to meet your operations needs. Options include real-time communication and automated capture all enabling you to write citations and warning, download scofflaw lists and permits, issue temporary permits and take payments during events.
T2 Systems, Inc.