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Lights, Camera, Parking—T2 Systems Prepares for its 2012 User Group Conference Premiere

Orlando, Florida — T2 Systems, a provider of innovative end-to-end management solutions leveraging technology for the parking industry, is gearing up for its User Group Conference in Orlando, Florida, November 13-15, 2012.

T2 User Group, one of the largest parking conferences in North America, is an annual event for T2 customers to join together to discuss industry best practices, product training, details on the latest releases, Q & A roundtables, and professional networking, while spending valuable time with T2 employees and executive leadership. The benefits of attending T2 User Group are well known to T2 customers and business partners, with the 2011 conference attracting nearly 300 attendees.

During the conference this year, T2 customers will be given the spotlight, presenting to colleagues their successes in solving operational issues, increasing revenues and improving customer service using T2 products and services.

The T2 crew will also be hard at work delivering training sessions in seven tracks:

  • Leadership Forum targeted at decision makers and senior management
  • Enforcement and Integrations with topics ranging from Citations, Letters and Appeals to handhelds and T2 integrations with various pay-for-parking systems
  • Front Line skill building with topics ranging from Permit Season to what front line staff need to know about PCI
  • Supervisors & Managers
  • PARCS with topics ranging from software and hardware to online validations and coupons, to integrating with Events
  • Reporting, including How-To’s for Crystal report-generation, and
  • eBusiness including online event parking reservations, GPS tracking and online payments.

More than just a good time, User Group is an invaluable, customer-centric, educational experience.

Customers can now register online at!

About T2 Systems

Since 1994, T2 Systems has delivered proven parking solutions that meet the ever-changing needs of the parking industry. This commitment is evident in T2’s quality products and services, thought leadership and strong customer relationships. With its broad range of technology-based solutions, T2 Systems is trusted by nearly 400 organizations in the US and Canada that manage parking including universities, cities, towns, hospitals, airports and private operators. T2 Systems is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana and has virtual offices throughout the United States and Canada. For additional information about T2 Systems, Inc. products and services, visit


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