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Survision: 3x Faster Street Parking Enforcement

We Combined the Smallest LPR Camera, the Most Convenient Vehicle, and the Right Mobile App. Results?

We came up with the smallest yet fast and accurate LPR camera in the World

So we came up with the smallest yet fast and accurate LPR camera in the World: The Picopak LPR Camera for mobile street parking enforcement; we knew that this kind of advancement was going to be a revolution in LPR but we needed something else to make it really amazing.

What type of vehicle is fast, convenient, and safe enough to take advantage of our camera?

Infographic about Swegway, Survision and Exzyt

So we met with SEGWAY and EXYZT; the partnership was unavoidable; a few months of talking, negotiating, planning, tweaking and testing resulted in the PICOPAK SEGWAY! yes! a Picopak LPR Camera perfectly mounted on a Segway, powered by software to work on a mobile device.

Our first trials' results were hard to believe: the Segway allowed us to go faster and the camera was fast and precise enough to increase readings by roughly 300%.

Later trials demonstrated that a single parking control agent equipped with a Picopak Segway was able to accurately check up to 1000 vehicles a day, much more than the 300 that could be done by foot.

A 333% efficiency boost means a lot for on-street parking enforcement operators... and for anyone interested in monitoring vehicles for any purpose, indeed many cities in France started making requests as soon as they were informed of our preliminary tests.

The story does not end here...

We started trying new vehicles to get Picopak on the move; we tried them all: a vehicle roof, a motorbike, even a kid´s bike, and surprise! it worked like a charm, every time.

We really did the kid's bike test, just for fun...

By combining the right technologies we were able to speed up by more than 3X the processes of checking stolen, unwanted, unauthorized and out-of-time vehicles, but the key gadget is the camera; Our Picopak had to be small, fast, and accurate enough to do the job.

So, How does Picopak work?

Top of the police car

Embedding all the processing allows for the extraction in real-time of the license plate, the PICOPAK does not require any server.

A Wi-Fi interface and an embedded Web server enable the installation of very light applications without any specific equipment onboard the vehicle.

Its ultra-compact size (10x10x4cm), low weight as low as 600 g and low energy consumption (10 W on average) facilitate permanent or temporary integration on all types of vehicles.

For more information, see Picopak LPR Camera.


SURVISION is a global leader in License Plate Reading (LPR). Since 2001, with solutions being deployed in over 50 countries with more than 50,000 cameras thanks to a network of 900 Value Added Integrators. The quality of its R&D team allows SURVISION to work with world-class integrators for a complete set of innovative solutions for Smart-City, Smart-Parking, law enforcement, toll road collection, car-park management, and for local authorities.


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