SKIDATA: More Effective Customer Service Thanks To New Organisational Structure
SKIDATA AG today communicates the following organisational changes:
Efficiency improvements through synergies and
Personnel appointments
Efficiency improvements through synergies and
Personnel appointments
Efficiency improvements through synergies
Creation of the "Car Access" and "People Access" business unitsIn order to better serve its customers, SKIDATA has decided to focus its marketing and sales activities along customer groups rather than product groups. As a result, two new business units have been formed, "Car Access", covering parking activities, and "People Access" including ski and event activities.
"Operations & Services" competence centre
The creation of a centralized "Operations & Services" unit will help maximize operational efficiency.
"R&D" competence centre
Additionally, all R&D activities have been merged into a single "Technology" centre.
This approach is designed to improve the efficiency of the company and to ensure a better deployment of synergies, while maintaining a personalized attention to the clients of each business unit. The new organisational structure will not have direct implications for staff levels.
Personnel appointments
As part of the new organisational structure of SKIDATA, the following appointments have been made :Executive Board
Charles Egli, is appointed Chairman of the Executive Board (CEO) as of 1.10.2004. He is currently member of the Executive Board of SKIDATA and Executive Vice President of the Kudelski Group in charge of Nagra Public Access.
This will ensure consistent management within the "public access" activity.
Due to diverging views on the strategic orientation of the company, SKIDATA AG and Christian Dreyer, Chief Executive Officer, are terminating their contract by mutual agreement, effective today.
Robert Weiskopf is appointed member of the Executive Board.
Car Access
Robert Weiskopf will be in charge of the business unit “Car Access”.
Since joining SKIDATA, Robert Weiskopf (43), an engineer, has made his mark in the division for parking systems with his dynamic approach and his strong personal commitment. Not least thanks to his hard work, this business unit is today among the most important revenue earners of SKIDATA AG. The “Car Access” business unit now has 180 employees, and SKIDATA customers have access to a worldwide sales and service network.
The "Finance" unit will be headed by Michael Hofer (35), who is appointed Vice President Finance of SKIDATA AG. He has been vested with special power of attorney ("Prokura") as authorized signatory.
Michael Hofer joined SKIDATA as Controlling manager. His extensive financial knowledge and his strong social skills have led him to quickly become responsible for the Accounting, Controlling, Treasury, IT and Legal departments. The international nature of SKIDATA through its subsidiaries, joint-ventures and participations throughout the world, make this position as head of Finance a challenge for Hofer, as does being part of the Kudelski Group which opens many new prospects for SKIDATA.
Operations & Services
The management of the newly created "Operations & Services" unit is entrusted to Andreas Frühwirth. Andreas Frühwirth (36), an electric engineering graduate, began his career as head of "R&D Hardware“ at SKIDATA in April 2001. His international experience in project management makes him an excellent choice for this position.
The "Technology" unit will be under the responsibility of Harald Raetzsch, currently head of SKIDATA´s Software department and CTO of Nagra Public Access.

Nagra Public Access is the Kudelski Group holding company which covers the physical access control and ticketing sector.
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