Monit: Changing Demographics and Parking Data

Interview: Data and the Impact of an Aging Society on Parking Policies

The Changing Demographics and Societal Developments Make It Increasingly Challenging to Predict the Required Parking Capacity.

Data Shows the Impact of Changing Demographics on Parking

The changing demographics and societal developments, such as remote work, make it increasingly challenging to predict the required parking capacity. This according to Ernst Bos from Monit Data.
Ernst Bos is the director of Monit Data, a company that builds dashboards for public and private parking facility operators by integrating parking data from multiple sources.

Changing Demographics

One of the key trends Bos identifies for the coming period is changing demographics and their impact on mobility and parking. “Traditionally, regular car use for commuting played a significant role in determining policies. Now, we see that cars remain parked at home for longer during regular workdays, meaning those parking spots cannot be used by other cars. This is partly due to increased remote work, especially among older knowledge workers. Additionally, due to an aging population, there is a growing group of retirees who continue using their cars long after their careers have ended. For older generations, the focus is shifting from commuting to personal use.

Younger Generations Delay Car Ownership

Bos also highlights another trend: “Younger people are buying cars later in life. A car is no longer the default option for them. This is partly because they no longer automatically receive a company car and because there are alternatives that better suit their needs, such as car-sharing services, shared bicycles, e-bikes, and public transport.

All of these trends have led to older generations dominating car ownership. “Around 25% of cars are owned by people over 65. Over the past five years, the number of cars owned by seniors has increased by 17%, while the total number of cars has only grown by 7% in the same period.

Using the scancar for reliable parking occupancy reports.

Using the scancar for reliable parking occupancy reports.

Predicting Parking Demand Becomes Harder

These developments, combined with greater flexibility in transportation choices and the disappearance of fixed commuting patterns, make it increasingly difficult to predict parking needs. According to Bos, Monit’s expertise can help address this challenge: “Due to this complexity, there is a greater need for research. It’s crucial to understand the implications of these trends for available parking capacity.

Monitoring and data are crucial, especially for urban development and building of new neighborhoods. “We should not rely on assumptions, such as thinking that fewer parking spaces are needed just ‘because more people will use shared cars’. Policy should be developed properly, as creating excess capacity is also a waste.

Ernst Bos, director of Monit DataYou need to develop policies properly, as creating excess capacity is also a waste.”

Current Challenges

Monit is addressing these challenges in multiple ways. Bos explains, “For our clients—mainly municipalities—we regularly organize meet-ups where they eagerly share experiences and learn from each other. We also ask clients if we can use their data for research. For example, we conducted a study on the necessary number of visitor parking spaces at residential buildings, which showed that this number could be reduced. Continuing on that, we are now researching the actual usage of residential parking spaces.

Parking challenges are not limited to cars—bicycle parking is also an issue. “There is a key difference in research: bicycles don’t have license plates. This means that actual usage data is mainly available in bike parking facilities where users must check in and out. Our Vtag service helps manage bicycle parking digitally. As Monit’s platform combines car and bicycle data, we can identify trends and provide policy advice, such as building more secure bicycle parking facilities or converting on-street car parking into bike parking or even green spaces.

Person scanning a tag with a QR code to access Biesieklette facilities.

One of Monit’s focus areas is improving the user-friendliness of its tools. “For example, the Vtag app is used in managed bicycle parking facilities, often staffed by people with employment challenges. We recently improved and simplified the app, and we’ve received positive feedback from staff, who say the new version is both easier and faster to use.

 The improved Vtag app.

Future Challenges

Bos emphasizes that Monit does not generate data itself but intelligently combines existing data into valuable insights. However, challenges remain. “One of them is integrating data on electric vehicles (EVs). The data exists, but different systems and departments also have to be brought together. This would allow for better planning of charging stations and infrastructure needs.”

License plate recognition cars (scancars) could also be used more effectively, Bos adds: “Currently, they are mainly used for enforcement, but they can also provide valuable insights into parking pressure.

In the coming years, Monit will increasingly use data for predictive modeling. “In the past, municipalities primarily used data to evaluate. They had implemented a policy and wanted to know if it was effective. Now, we are receiving more requests to use data to model future scenarios.

This article was written in collaboration with the Dutch publication ‘Trendboek Mobiliteit’. In this publication on mobility trends you can read more about the latest developments and expert views about the very dynamic field of mobility. A subject that is relevant for all of us, from both our professional expertise and how we as individuals experience the environment we live in.

The publication Trends 2025 contains interviews with government, research and solution providers. You can read the entire trend book free of charge via this link (Dutch only).

About Monit Data

Monit DataMonit Data provides parking data analytics services for municipalities and private operators. User-friendly dashboards give clear information on car, EV, and bicycle usage. Use data-driven insights for urban mobility policies and day-to-day operational management.



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