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GO TO-U Is The Official Network Provider for the Golden State Priority Project Under CALeVIP

As an official network provider for CALeVIP, GO TO-U provides a range of services to support you.

GO TO-U is proud to be an official network provider for the Golden State Priority Project, a significant initiative under the California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP). CALeVIP offers substantial rebates for publicly available EV chargers, promoting the widespread adoption and accessibility of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure across California. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of CALeVIP, addressing common questions and clarifying how the program works.

As CALeVIP accelerates EV charging infrastructure in California, GO TO-U offers businesses advanced solutions to enhance property value and customer satisfaction with seamless EV charging experiences.

  • Incentive navigation help
  • Lower installation expenses
  • Effortless charger operation


What is CALeVIP?

The California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP) is a state-funded initiative designed to accelerate the deployment of EV charging infrastructure throughout California. Managed by the California Energy Commission (CEC), CALeVIP provides rebates and incentives to encourage businesses, municipalities, and other organizations to install publicly accessible EV chargers. The project aims to support the state's goals of achieving five million zero-emission vehicles on the road by 2030 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

How Does CALeVIP Work?

CALeVIP works by offering financial rebates to eligible applicants who install EV charging stations. The process involves several steps:

  1. Application Submission: Interested parties submit an application through the CALeVIP website, detailing their proposed charging station project.
  2. Eligibility Verification: The application is reviewed to ensure it meets CALeVIP’s eligibility criteria.
  3. Rebate Reservation: Once approved, a rebate is reserved for the applicant, which guarantees funding upon successful completion of the project.
  4. Project Installation: The applicant proceeds with the installation of the charging stations as per the approved plan.
  5. Rebate Claim: After installation, the applicant submits documentation for the rebate claim. Upon verification, the rebate amount is disbursed to the applicant.

Which Charging Stations Are Eligible?

CALeVIP supports a variety of charging station types to cater to different needs:

  • Level 2 Chargers: These chargers are suitable for locations where vehicles are parked for extended periods, such as workplaces, parking garages, and multifamily residential buildings.
  • DC Fast Chargers: These high-powered chargers are ideal for areas requiring quick charging turnover, such as along major highways, retail locations, and urban centers.

To qualify for rebates, charging stations must meet specific technical and network requirements outlined by CALeVIP. For a detailed list of eligible equipment, visit CALeVIP Eligible Equipment.

Benefits of Participating in CALeVIP

Participating in CALeVIP offers several advantages:

  • Financial Incentives: Substantial rebates reduce the upfront costs of installing EV charging infrastructure.
  • Increased Traffic: Installing charging stations can attract EV drivers to your location, potentially increasing foot traffic and sales.
  • Sustainability Goals: Contributing to the expansion of EV infrastructure supports broader environmental and sustainability initiatives.

GO TO-U: Your Partner in EV Charging Solutions

GO TO-U is at the forefront of revolutionizing the EV charging experience. Our comprehensive platform offers a seamless and user-friendly interface for both EV drivers and charging station operators. As an official network provider for CALeVIP, GO TO-U provides a range of services to support your EV charging infrastructure projects:

  • Application Assistance: We guide you through the CALeVIP application process, ensuring all required documentation and criteria are met for a successful rebate reservation.
  • Technical Support: Our team offers expert advice on selecting the right charging equipment and meeting technical specifications required by CALeVIP.
  • Installation Services: GO TO-U partners with experienced installers to ensure your charging stations are set up efficiently and correctly.
  • Network Management: Our platform offers advanced features for monitoring, managing, and optimizing the performance of your charging stations.
  • User Engagement: GO TO-U’s app provides an easy way for EV drivers to find, reserve, and use charging stations, enhancing the overall user experience and increasing station utilization.

GO TO-U online reservation system for EVs

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can apply for CALeVIP rebates?

Eligible applicants include businesses, public agencies, nonprofits, and other entities that plan to install publicly accessible EV charging stations within California.

2. What costs are covered by CALeVIP rebates?

Rebates can cover a portion of the hardware, installation, and networking costs associated with the charging stations.

3. How long does the rebate process take?

The timeline can vary, but applicants are typically notified of their rebate reservation status within a few weeks of submission. Final rebate disbursement occurs after the successful installation and verification of the charging stations.

4. Are there any location-specific requirements?

Yes, CALeVIP targets specific regions within California, with varying rebate amounts and criteria based on local needs and priorities. Check the CALeVIP website for the latest information on targeted regions.

5. How can GO TO-U assist with CALeVIP?

As an official network provider, GO TO-U can help applicants navigate the CALeVIP application process, ensure compliance with technical requirements, and provide support throughout the installation and rebate claim stages.


CALeVIP represents a pivotal effort in California's journey toward a sustainable and zero-emission future. By providing significant financial incentives for EV charger installations, the project helps to build a robust and accessible EV charging network across the state. GO TO-U is committed to supporting this initiative and assisting stakeholders in maximizing the benefits of CALeVIP rebates.

With GO TO-U's innovative platform and comprehensive services, you can ensure a smooth and efficient process for all your EV charging needs. From application assistance to installation and network management, GO TO-U is your ideal partner in this green journey.

Get Started with GO TO-U and CALeVIP Today!

Ready to take advantage of CALeVIP rebates and enhance your EV charging infrastructure? Contact GO TO-U for a consultation and let us guide you through every step of the process. Together, we can drive California towards a cleaner, greener future.

Contact us now to schedule your consultation and join the EV revolution!

About GO TO-U

GO TO-U LogoGO TO-U was founded in 2017 to accelerate transport decarbonization by making the experience of driving and charging electric vehicles simpler, more comfortable, and more accessible. At GO TO-U we put users at the center of GO TO-U software solutions for EV charging management and operations so we can create a seamless experience for both charge point operators and drivers.



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