Parquery Customer Interview: Hasler + Co AG Share Their Insight into Smart Parking for the Retail Sector

Optimally Managing Parking with Parquery’s Solution

- Switzerland
Parking Challenges in Retail

Parquery meets Christof Hasler, the managing director of Hasler + Co AG, to discuss the challenges they face concerning parking and how Parquery’s cloud-based smart parking solution helps overcome those.

Approaching the Hasler Group’s headquarters for the interview, we make our way through the bustling parking lot: vehicles of all sizes and shapes are parked in front of one of Switzerland’s largest retailers for construction and trades. Hasler’s customers are primarily professionals who need parking for their trades vehicle but also private customers arrive mostly by car.

Vehicles of any shape park at Hasler's

How Important Is Parking for Your Business?

Christof Hasler: Over the past 25 years, Hasler has had to move their business location twice, in part due to the increasingly problematic parking situation.

Not finding parking is very upsetting for customers, especially those with commercial vehicles who come when they have an emergency, [that’s why] our parking space must be managed.

How Does Smart Parking Help in Your Daily Business?

Christof Hasler: [Retailers often] do not have enough parking space. Parking is a scarce and precious commodity that we must manage optimally. 

We wanted to know how busy our parking lots are: When is it at its peak, when does it get crowded? When is there free capacity?

It was interesting to see how the occupancy developed [before and after the construction of a neighboring shopping center]. The [smart parking] numbers proved that our parking lots have been significantly busier since the stores opened than before. However, we see that the increase in sales does not match the rise in parking occupancy. Therefore we must assume that the customers of the neighboring property leave their cars in our parking lots.

[With smart parking] you have plain facts, and you do not just rely on intuition or subjective impressions, e.g., built on complaints when a customer has once not found a parking space. With Parquery’s system, we can check and verify the occupancy.

Trades vehicles typically need more space than private cars

By July 2021, You Have Been Using Parquery’s Smart Parking Solution for over Three Years. What’s Your Verdict?

Christof Hasler: We are very satisfied with the solution. It is an ingenious tool that stands the test of time and that I recommend. With Parquery's system, we have precise knowledge of the occupancy. This helps us to look for suitable solutions and make decisions.

It can be utilized exceptionally well, with reasonable costs and manageable technical requirements. That is what is so fascinating about the Parquery solution.

Read the full interview where CEO Christof Hasler speaks about what triggered his decision to adopt smart parking and shares his recommendations for retailers who would like to do the same. 

About Parquery AG Parquery

Parquery AG a leading Swiss technology and camera-based smart parking provider in the field of Computer Vision and Deep Learning.

Contact us at for more information regarding Smart Parking and AI-solutions beyond parking.


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