
Visiting address

Rheinstrasse 99



Postal address

Rheinstrasse 99

Baden-Baden , 76532



Tel +49 251 500447070

Fax +4952418047071


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Company information

Parking Payments Simplified

Riverty understands the importance of providing seamless parking payment solutions for parking operators and their consumers. As a trusted payment provider for car park payment, working with the most influential parking operators in Europe, we are committed to driving innovation and shape the future of parking payments with our partners.

We advocate moderate payment fees instead of high penalties. We provide situation-based and country-specific fee models. We take care of consumers throughout the full payment value chain for parking - including online payment, invoicing, financing, dunning, and debt collection.

 image of Rivert app 

60+ parking operators rely on Riverty. We have a solid product.

Riverty has delivered reliable free-flow payments to parking operators for nearly a decade. Collaborating closely with our partners, we have continuously evolved our solid product. We integrate with the most common parking system providers in Europe and our extensive client list comprises over 60 parking operators across the Nordics, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Company information

Headquarters location Rheinstrasse 99
76532 Baden-Baden
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Control Sanctions
  • Customer Service
  • Debt Collection
  • Parking Payment Solutions
  • Payment Processing
  • Payment Solutions

Product information

Free-flow Parking

Say goodbye to your concerns about customers leaving your barrier-free parking facilities without paying. With Riverty’s Free-flow Payments we assume the risk and secure payment, ensuring peace of mind for the parking operators.

More than four million Free-flow Payments invoices distributed annually is proof of our accountability as a parking payment provider. And we have experienced first-hand how free-flow parking not only improves accessibility, and therefore increase the number of visitors, it also reduces maintenance costs by eliminating the barriers.

Parking payments simplifiedSecure payment process for free-flow parking.

When an unregistered visitor leaves a parking facility without making a payment, the parking operator captures an image of the license plate with camera technology (ANPR - Automatic Number Plate Recognition).

The next step is to have a cost-efficient process in place to identify the driver and collect the outstanding amount. This is where a parking payment provider such as Riverty plays a vital role.

Strategic collaborations with partners across Europe enable us to efficiently identify unregistered drivers. And as we purchase the outstanding claim you don’t need to worry about not getting paid.

Monthly invoice for parking

With our monthly invoice / direct debit product, parking app providers can offer a new and easy way to pay - fully integrated in their app. Consolidate parking transactions into a monthly (digital) invoice. Make life less stressful for your customers.

Riverty's payment methods enable merchants to offer a great variety of buy now, pay later payment options to consumers, driving consumer loyalty and conversion. Would you like to discover more about our services? Contact us today! 

Debt collection for parking

We handle debt collection for more than 60 parking operators in Europe. Our individual approach ensures fair and sustainable debt collection and strengthens the customer relationship.

We take care of disturbed financial relationships between you and your consumers choosing individualized strategies for a smart and fair collection process. Using intelligent algorithms and an omnichannel communication strategy, we activate your customers on different channels that suits them best. By making it as easy as possible for your customers to pay their debts, we accelerate your repayment.

Focus on human-centric debt collection with Riverty, contact us to get started! 


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