City of Inglewood Parking Ticket System

Visiting address

Citation Processing Center


Inglewood, CA

Postal address

PO Box: 4367

Citation Processing Center

Inglewood, CA , 90309-4367

United States


Tel +1 866-412-5565

Fax +1 310-330-5755

Company information

The City of Inglewood, a leader in parking citation management since 1981, has numerous agreements with California cities and other public agencies to provide parking citation processing services. PTS offers a complete range of services including: hardware, software, training and support, DMV access, comprehensive management reporting and timely noticing. PTS is a true online, real-time Parking Ticket Management System that provides seamless integration of all components in the citation management process.

Company information

Headquarters location Citation Processing Center
90309-4367 Inglewood, CA
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size