Hirschfeld Properties LLC
Visiting address
5 East 59th Street
New York 10022
New York
Postal address
5 East 59th Street
New York , New York 10022
United States
Tel (212) 355-3838
Fax (212) 980-3838
Company information
Hirschfeld Properties is an owner of real estate, developing projects in the New York metropolitan area. With affiliates, Hirschfeld Properties has been engaged in the development or ownership of some of the most renowned office buildings, hotels, multi-family residential buildings, parking facilities and retail projects New York City has to offer. Through the inspiration of Abraham Hirschfeld, Hirschfeld Properties has contributed to such visionary projects as New York's first open-air garage, the Hotel Pennsylvania and the Manhattan Mall and is considered one of the most influential real estate development firms in New York City.
Company information
Headquarters location
5 East 59th Street
New York 10022
New York
New York 10022
New York
Some facts
- Design / Build