A few years ago I got my driver’s license. During the lessons, I was a pro when it comes to parallel parking. However, once I got my license and I was driving in my own car without someone sitting next to me to hit the brakes, I got a bit self-conscience about my parking skills. Now I need at least one and a half parking space before I even try to park my car on the side of the road. I’m too afraid I will hit the other car somehow. I must admit that it didn’t take long before my car got all scratched and dented because of unsuccessful parking attempts.
I think I need some lessons from Ronny Wechselberger, a German stunt pilot. He recently earned his place in the Guinness Book of World Records for his reverse parallel parking skills! Watch the video and I’m sure you’ll be amazed.
Of course you can´t park your car like this on the streets, so hereby I give you some tips for parallel parking:
Start parallel parking
Before you start, make sure you are one or two feet away from the other car.
Line up your car
Stop your car right next to the other car. If the car that you’re parallel parking on is the same size, line your right side mirror up with their left side mirror. If the car is bigger, place your car a bit further back. If the other car is smaller, move a bit more towards the front of that car.
Move back
If you’re well aligned, turn your wheel so the car is ready to park. Then move back slowly, with the wheel turned towards the curb. When the back of your seat is aligned with the rear bumper of the car you’re parallel parking on, turn the wheel away from the curb fast while keep moving back slowly.
If everything’s okay, you’re perfectly parallel parked now!
Here's a diagram by Chris Philpot to explain the steps of parallel parking:
(Picture: Esquire.com
Main Picture: recensiekoning.nl)