Remember San Fransisco's reaction to Monkey Parking's app? The municipalty didn't respond well to reselling on-street parking spots through an app. Surely, this has everything to do with the cities revenue and how to be in control of that. But what about empty, private parkings?
Or maybe your company has a huge empty parking lot in the weekends? As long as you are in control of that parking lot, the space is off-street and you'd like people to use the space in times you don't need it, there is an app for that too.
In the UK you can use "JustPark" for that and now there's also a similar app available in the US called SPOT. As long as you have a vacant, private parking, you can sign up, take a photo of the lot and decide what the price is going to be and you're ready to go.
If you find this an interesting idea, learn more by clicking here.