Mobile Parking is the New Black

Mobile Parking, man with mobile phone

Mobile parking is a topic that is increasingly becoming hotter in the industry.

As consumers demand more convenient solutions, mobile parking provides a convenient solution, which allows for parkers to pay for parking using a mobile device. Payment can be done using more common methods, with technology such as NFC at pay stations, or even ticketless where users can register online and then simply drive in and out of participating car parks.

NFC Mobile Payment for Parking
Mobile apps have become an integral part of mobile parking. Parking apps can either be downloaded and used manually or set up to allow for automatic mobile parking. Mobile parking is not just about payment. Spaces can be pre-booked and parkers can receive monthly statements so they are able to track their parking expenses. Mobile apps are also able to notify parkers of parking status in the proximity and even provide guidance to available spaces. Once the space is no longer needed, apps can also help the parker to locate their parked car. Real-time parking management saves the parker time and enables a truly seamless, stress-free journey. Valet parking can also be managed in real-time by operators and is customizable for operations of varying sizes. 

OEMs are also adopting mobile parking, with options being integrated into infotainment systems so that parkers are able to find parking whilst onboard. It is expected that these developments will continue as more manufacturer’s adopt this technology. 

Car Infotainment System

We recently had a chat with FlashParking, Passport and Zipby, who all offer mobile parking solutions, to get some more insight on this topic. Their input will be featured on our very first edition of 'Parking Talks' so make sure you stay tuned to see the video, which will be released very shortly!
