The first edition of our Smart City Parking Network Event kicked off yesterday. We were happy to see so many parking professionals in attendance and enjoyed being able to, once again, bring our expertise in networking to the forefront.
We began our day with our guest keynote speaker Phil Hoare, Assistant Director of Parking at the London Borough of Barnet. Phil gave an insightful presentation with an opportunity for real-time Q&A for our audience. Having worked in the parking and associated local government sectors since 2005, Phil's experience has given him a ground-up view of the sector and, whilst occupying a strategic role, his understanding of where the possible barriers to delivering smart city goals lurk was perfect, as he gave insight into how to avoid these potential issues. Political, practical, procurement and personnel issues were all covered in Phil's speech and he detailed from his own experience how to navigate the streets of a major European city to successfully progress the smart city agenda whilst keeping the public on side.
Our team would like to thank Phil for sharing his experience with our audience and for the valuable contribution to our event.
Our Spotlight on Solutions sessions followed. During these we heard from our expert solution and service providers on topics ranging from blockchain and IoT, to how an open platform contributes to more efficient parking management to building on momentum for change in off-street parking to the digital customer journey. Thanks to Mehdi El Mellahi, CEO of Yazamtec, Anton Wintersteller, Senior Business Development Manager of Security & Safety Things, Simon Wood, Senior Key Account Manager of CCV and Christer Halvorsen, Revenue Manager and Business Architect of 2Park for their short presentations and expert handling of incoming questions during the Q&A portions following their respective sessions.
For the final part of our event, we offered four meetings of an hour in length. As business travel has been curbed, we were keen to replicate the networking aspect of our physical events within the digital domain. These interactive sessions were hosted by Emanuell Tomes, Co-Founder and CTO of LTS AG, Juli Verge, Sales Director for the Innova Systems Group, Frank van der Sant from APCOA Parking and Jussi Tomperi, Managing Director of Portier. Topics covered ranged from mastering challenges in smart parking and traffic, LPR solutions for smart parking management, bringing urban hubs to fruition through physical and digital infrastructure, and an innovative cloud solution as the core of smart city parking guidance.
It was great to see engaging discussions happening live during these sessions, and we would like to thank both our presenters and the audience for making the most of this networking opportunity.
Our next event will focus on Property & Real Estate parking. The exact date and more information will be available very soon. You can take the lead and check in to our event website to stay in the loop by clicking here. If you'd like more information on either the Smart City Parking Network Event or on our upcoming Property & Real Estate Parking Network Event, please contact us.