Illegal parking on Jay Street has become very widespread so that the city started to use huge tree-filled planters in order to prevent drivers from parking their vehicles in illegal locations. According to one regular commuter, it is a natural way to stop the street from going to pot.
The Department of Transportation placed six of the planters between the bike and the bus lane in the Manhattan Bridge-bound channel from Willoughby Street to Metrotech. “I think the planters, the physical barriers, are the only things that are going to keep cars from parking,” said cyclist Paul Vogel, who passes the location every weekday.
The agency installed the plants to stop motorists from leaving their cars in the space where bus drivers have to move into the bus bay. Even though areas are painted in red, they are still often used as parking spots.
In other parts of the street where parking is illegal, bendy plastic poles (“bollards”) are places for warning away the drivers. However, they do not physically stop them, while plants work as actual barriers. “The planters are way better than those things the city put in — people drive all over them,” Vogel said.
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