What are you looking for in a parking meter? What application or service do you find useful and should be available on pay and display parking meters? Imagine the perfect parking meter – put your thoughts on paper and win the contest!
Parkeon launched an innovation contest together with ELMOs (Electromobility Solutions for Cities and Regions), a European Commission project that aims to promote electromobility and electromobility-driven innovation. Their goal: To transform the way we experience parking meters.
The question they set out to the world is what you should add to a parking meter when you transform it to an interactive kiosk. Parkeon and ELMO’s believe that parking kiosks can play a bigger role in our everyday life - perhaps by adding features that not only effect motorists but also other people on the streets? They’re now reaching out to the general public and ICT clusters to help them find the answer – and they reward the best solution. You can enter the contest by adding your idea on https://cluster-crowd.com up to May 3rd 2013. The most innovative ideas will be awarded. A total prize money of 2,000 euros will be divided amongst winner ideas.
For more information, please read the following information I copied from the General Public Brief:
Parkeon Pulse Your City: General Public Brief
Parkeon Pulse Your City: Imagine a parking meter you love.
If you transform a pay and display parking meter into an interactive kiosque, what application or service useful in your everyday life should be available?
Additional information:
Parkeon is the World’s leading company in integrated on-street parking management solutions (www.parkeon.com).
Parking terminals (i.e. parking ticket machine, pay and display terminal, multispace parking meter) are omnipresent in every big city, they are part of the urban landscape. We believe that they can play a bigger role in the city everyday life as they are now being equipped with color screens, more interactivity, 3G network connectivity and can be controlled by a distant server.
A parking terminal can be used for:
- Receiving payment with coins, bank notes, debit/credit card, contact less card, NFC mobile phone;
- Displaying anything you want on the color screen;
- Receiving information from its user through a touchscreen or an alphanumeric keyboard;
- Scanning a barcode (1D or QR Code);
- Printing a ticket;
- Interacting with the server, potentially connected to any web service;
- Sending an SMS;
- Interacting with an NFC mobile phone.
This is what the most recent parking terminals look like
- Should not be a design of the case
- Relevant to a large(r) community
- Uses one or more functionalities (see additional information)
- Useful now or in a near future
The information contained in this item and in the indicated links reflect only their authors' views, the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of that information.
Media contacts
Raphaël Didier – Tél : +33 3 81 54 48 85 – rdidier@parkeon.com
Stéphane Roques – Tél : +33 1 58 09 81 51 – sroques@parkeon.com
Christoph Beer – Phone : +41 79 608 1813 – christoph.beer@tcbe.ch