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Expo Estádio 2010
SulAmérica Convention Center, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BR

Event description

Expo Estádio is the only platform that is 100% focussed on infrastructure and equipment for stadiums and sports facilities. It is the designated event to meet the people responsible for the investments for the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil.

Event location

SulAmérica Convention Center Av. Paulo de Frontin, 01 - Cidade Nova 20260-010 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil sa

Tel: 55 21 3717 4719 Fax: 55 21 2516 1761

Contact information

Real Alliance

Real Alliance Av. Marechal Floriano, 38 / 809 20080-006 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil sa

Sebas van den Ende Send Email

55 21 3717 4719 55 21 2516 1761