North Bergen Parking Authority

Visiting address
4225 Bergen Turnpike
NJ NJ 07047
North Bergen
Postal address
4225 Bergen Turnpike
North Bergen , NJ NJ 07047
Tel 201-869-6200
Association information
The Township of North Bergen Parking Authority (“Authority”) was created by an ordinance of the Township of North Bergen, New Jersey, adopted November 5, 1981 pursuant to N.J.R.S. 40:11A-4. The Authority is a public body, corporate and political subdivision of the State, with the same territorial boundaries as the boundaries of the Township, exercising public and essential governmental functions and having all the powers necessary to carry out its corporate purposes and the provisions of the Act.
The mission of the Authority is the construction, provision and operation of off-street parking facilities, for the consequent promotion of free traffic flow, relief of traffic congestion on the Township's streets and improvement of conditions affecting the public safety and welfare. Additionally, to the extent authorized by the governing body of the Township, the Authority is responsible for the management and operation of on-street parking and related facilities through the use of parking meters and the Residential Permit Parking Program (RPP). The Authority is also responsible for the enforcement of applicable laws, ordinances and regulations as to the parking of vehicles. The Authority is self sufficient with all revenues derived from on-street meters; management fees; summons fine sharing; rental income from off-street parking lots and the sale of residential parking program permit decals.